Sunday, September 28, 2008

typing syndrome..!! r wateva it is ..I don Care!

well m doin thesis... well im not bein intentionally funny again... wth!! juz becoz ma blog is named lyk dat, u neednt assume things...!! yea dats rite.. m supposed to du ma thesis..!! hardly a month to submit, i juz strtd typin ma thesis... well dats d day it strtd ma dear frnds!... 5 days baak... well i was pissed off bcoz ma net was not gettin connected.. n den i realizd dat i cant copy paste..., i actually sat n typed 5 whole pages..!! can u believ it guys?? FIVE in caps i muz sey... not even ma bes of frnds wudin belive it..
well ever since, i juz cant stop typin out... no i cant juz stop typin out... no i wont stop typin out, y shud i...!?thesis or no thesis... m forever typin.. typin dis typin dat..! yesterday i typed again but not thesis stuff.. i typd out wat r the guidlines to be followed and how i shud go abt the studies conducted.i sat down n typed out . juz coz i typ out lot of things r der, i dnno y sm of other stream mates du,
wat to sey, the syndrome still continues ... is der a doc in hea?? is she over exited by seeing her classmates nw?? no no its juz dat m still typin even if u r not assignt n e thing, we will hav a tok with kullu....i lyk to wind it up hea... with camera person blah blah is, blee blee signing off...
i still havin figrd y i typd it....??? n moreover hu du u think the real culprit is??? wiat n see....

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